Portfolio Project

Cripto Price Quoter

A Python-based program that allows users to quickly and easily obtain the current price of any cryptocurrency in USD using the Coingecko API. With cryptocurrencies being a new and volatile form of investment, this program aims to simplify getting up-to-date cryptocurrency prices for traders and investors.


Crypto Price Quoter is a Python-based program that allows users to quickly and easily obtain the current price of any cryptocurrency in USD using the Coingecko API. With cryptocurrencies being a new and volatile form of investment, this program aims to simplify the process of getting up-to-date cryptocurrency prices for traders and investors.


Cripto Price Quoter demo image



  • Python 3
  • requests module
  • tabulate module

How to Use

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Install the required dependencies by running pip install -r requirements.txt in your terminal.
  3. Run the program by executing python project.py in your terminal.
  4. Enter the name of the cryptocurrency you wish to quote when prompted, making sure to use correct spelling, otherwise it will prompt again.
  5. Enter the quantity of cryptocurrency you wish to quote.
  6. The program will display basic information about the cryptocurrency, including the current price per unit in USD, the total quotation, and the date and time of the last price update.
  7. The program will ask if you want to quote another cryptocurrency or stop there. If you want to quote another cryptocurrency, repeat the previous steps.
  8. Note that the cryptocurrency prices quoted by this program may not be exact at the time of use, as they are constantly fluctuating.



This program will be uploaded to my GitHub page and I welcome any feedback or suggestions. If you encounter any issues or have any ideas for improvement, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.


  • Coingecko API for providing real-time cryptocurrency prices.
  • requests module for sending requests and receiving responses from the API.
  • tabulate module for formatting and presenting the results in a readable way.
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Monica Vaquerano ©