

Cripto Price Quoter

Cripto Price Quoter

A Python-based program that allows users to quickly and easily obtain the current price of any cryptocurrency in USD using the Coingecko API. With cryptocurrencies being a new and volatile form of investment, this program aims to simplify getting up-to-date cryptocurrency prices for traders and investors.

April 7, 2024
Task List

Task List

A JavaScript-based program that allows users to quickly and easily make a To-Do list.

Jan. 13, 2024
Shopping List

Shopping List

A web app that allows users to quickly and easily make a shopping list.

Jan. 13, 2024
JS TicTacToe

JS TicTacToe

Tic Tac Toe game made with vanilla JS.

Jan. 13, 2024


A chronometer that tracks your time, can be paused and reseted.

Jan. 13, 2024
Random Quotes Generator

Random Quotes Generator

A web app that chooses a random famous quote from an API.

Jan. 13, 2024
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Monica Vaquerano ©